current events?
Revelation 1:3 tells us that we should read and keep the words of
prophecy. Not only that, but you will be blessed for doing so! Blessed
for looking into the events that herald the end of the world? Why? Let us
examine Biblical precedents that are given for the believer to watch for.
A Call to Watch
I Peter 4:7 tells us to be sober and watch and pray for the end; for the
end was approaching! Several times throughout the Bible, (Matt. 24,
Luke 21:7-28, II Thess. 2:3-4) Jesus tells His disciples that they should
take heed that no man deceive them! Yet today we have Christians
deceived because they are naive! Daniel 12:10 tells us that the wicked
will not understand the events going on, but the wise will understand!
The word 'understand' in that passage implies discernment, insight, and
the ability to distinguish! II Cor. 2:11 warns that we should not be
ignorant of Satan's devices! Why? Because he will get of advantage of
us! Strong's (4122) tells us that "advantage of us" means to defraud;
while devices (3540) can be--mental perceptions, evil purposes, that
which thinks! Satan wants to attack our critical thinking and perceptions
so that he can defraud us! HOW? By getting us to worry and
concentrate on little or insignificant news or events so that we don't use
(defraud) our ability to pray, allowing God to work in events (I Peter 4:7).
By twisting the language and wording of things around (Orwellian
doublespeak) so that we actually endorse events that Satan
orchestrates! By tricking Christians into thinking that their ungodly,
unsaved government can do no harm or evil (Isa. 30:8-13, Jer. 25:28-
33). By defrauding Christians of their responsibility for taking care of
their families, by letting the government or even God take over their
personal responsibility. While I am not saying that God does not take
care of us, He gives numerous examples throughout the Bible where
faith is coupled with work; and His sovereignty is coupled with the free
will and action of man. God will do His part, but He expects us to do our
part. Rom. 13:11 talks about how the last days are near, and we should
"awake out of sleep"! The last days should be time of action-not sleep!
What are we looking for?
Rev. 13:18 says, " Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six." Wisdom: (Strong's:
4678) 1a4) the intelligence evidenced in discovering the meaning of
some mysterious number or vision. God indicates that wisdom and
intelligence will be necessary to discover the workings of Satan in
the end days. Events that to the passive observer seem trivial (666),
are to the discerning believer more sinister (Antichrist). Dan. 9:27
and Matt. 24:15 contain warnings that when those in Jerusalem and
Judea see these events taking place they are to run! God will take
care of them, but they are to run! Christians today are also given
events and hints for their safety and as reasons for prayer.
II Thess. 2:6,9-11 tells us that "the mystery of iniquity doth already work:
only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way...
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power
and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of
unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the
love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God
shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." The
wicked will be revealed. This suggests that he (Satan) is already
working! It is amazing that the verse characterized Satan's workings
in the last days as the same methods he has used down through the
centuries-deception and lying!
We find in Strong's that mystery (3466) is the "hidden thing, secret;
generally mysteries, religious secrets, confided only to the initiated
and not to ordinary mortals, a hidden or secret thing, not obvious to
the understanding, a hidden purpose or counsel, secret will."
Paraphrased: For the religious secrets, confided only to the initiated
and not to ordinary mortals, doth already work: only he who now
hinders the Antichrist from appearing hinders him until his influence is
removed. We already know that Satan runs the world. Satan even
went so far as to offer that control to Jesus as one of the temptations!
(Matt. 4:8-9) That's why Satan will need to be bound for a thousand
years, and also shows how powerful he is at controlling them because
he rounds the nations up rather quickly after he is released again! He
is very powerful and influential in all governments and nations, and
most Christians are oblivious to that Biblical fact!
Luke 21:34-36 tells us that we should "take heed to yourselves, lest at
any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness,
and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a
snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy
to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before
the Son of man." Why will events preceding the end times catch people
unawares? Because they did not take heed! They were not watching
and praying that God would reveal it to them! What are some things that
we can watch for? One of the most obvious is the revelation of the occult
influences in government (Freemasonry, New Age, etc.). Dan. 8:23-25
tells us that the Antichrist will cause witchcraft to proliferate and spread.
Rev. 9:20-21 tells how the rulers and ten kings worship devils and
practice sorceries! Should we not be alert to the fact that numerous
promotions of the occult (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc.) are being
broadcast and published every day to condition people to the Antichrist?
Should we be surprised, then, when we investigate and find occult
influences and associations permeating throughout even our very own
government? II Tim. 3:1-5 warns us that in the last times, men will
come forth "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:
from such turn away." From such turn away! Yet many Christians have
been duped into following and promoting some of these very men that
have unflinching Satanic and occult links! The Bible tells us that we can
know people who profess godliness by their works, and even John the
Baptist challenged the Pharisees (Matt. 3:8) that they should "bring forth
therefore fruits meet for repentance". Many of these powerful people
profess to have become Christians, yet still have a death grip on Satan
and his devices.
II Cor. 11:14-15 tells us, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is
transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the
ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their
works." The end times, the Bible tells us, will be filled with great
deception. Christ warns us that not only does Satan appear good,
but that his minions who work toward his goals are also perceived as
good. Christians need to be aware of who these are and not
endorse them or their agendas! Titus 1:15-16 says "Unto the pure
all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is
nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. They
profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being
abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate."
(reprobate (96) not standing the test, not approved, that which does
not prove itself such as it ought)
Dan. 7:7-8 indicates that the ten kings/nations will come to power before
the Antichrist comes on the scene. In other words, there will be a global
restructuring of nations into ten before the Antichrist comes. Quite
possibly the world will be operating under the beginning stages of a oneworld
government. Satan knows that in order for there to be a one-world
religion (spoken of in Revelation), the three monotheistic religions
(Orthodox Judaism, Fundamental Christians, and Fundamental Muslims)
present the greatest challenge and thus need to be removed. Hence we
see a war against the predominate Muslim nations and centers and
people. Christianity has been attacked subversively to dilute it to non
effect, and the Bible tells that there will be a persecution of the Jews in
the final days. Fundamental Christians also stand a good chance of
being persecuted for those same reasons.
Reasons for alarm!
Should we not be alarmed when we see laws being passed under the
guise of security that allow such activity? What about the sudden and
utter destruction of all national identity and national pride? Well, you
say, we are more patriotic than ever. People are being hyped on loyalty
and duty to government not country. There is a big difference.
What about the engineering of laws and devices to control and spy on
each and every person (Homeland Security)? What about the deliberate
influx of pornography and drugs to degrade morals in people? Soon we
will see depopulation of large cities (to make people easier to control), an
engineered monetary collapse (to introduce a worldwide system),
created crisis and then providing solutions--engineering crisis (FEMA).
Should not we be alarmed when we see the sudden promotion of Israel
in the news (setting the stage for the ultimate solution by the Antichrist),
further undermining of all religions with a push to ecumenicalism, the
taking control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US, and the
largest of all--WW III to totally destroy all vestiges of nationality and
usher in a one-world government. We have many reasons to be
Why should we be concerned?
What are some of the blessings that will come upon a Christian who
studies the things foretold in Revelation? Well, God will bless in His own
way, but one definite blessing I have noticed is actually seen in Luke
21:34-36 which says, "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your
hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of
this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall
it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth." One of the
effects of studying the end times, is a change of perspective towards
material pursuits. You realize how insignificant materialism is. A lot of
the things that you were pursing before lose their luster. Christ and His
coming takes priority.
Perhaps the greatest blessing of discerning current events is the burning
desire for and sense of urgency in witnessing. Many Christians,
unfortunately, don’t study the events unfolding and can’t realize that time
is short, and many are being deceived. Not only is time short
prophetically, but time is short for our liberties. If you examine the laws
that have been passed in this new century alone, you will realize that our
freedom to share the Gospel is about to be greatly hindered, if not made
illegal. The legal definition for ‘Terrorist’ is kept extremely broad [HR. 3162,
Sec. 802, (a)(5)(B)(ii)].
What can we do?
How does knowledge of events change our life? Can we do anything to
stop what is prophesied in the Bible? Well, the Bible gives the answer. I
Peter 4:7 says, "But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore
sober, and watch unto prayer." God wants us to pray, and He wants us
to pray deliberately and specifically. We should pray that God puts His
protection on those families that are trying to educate their children at
home. Pray that God will continue to open doors for students to witness
in public schools. Pray that God will hinder the occult practices of
abortion--which to them is the symbolic perfect sacrifice to Satan on the
altar of the woman's womb. Pray that God will protect Christians
involved in government from the influences and corrupt activity of others.
Pray for Christians in countries being persecuted; not as though they are
being killed by their nation, but by Satan for his goals. Pray that God will
open the eyes of pastors around the world to the events unfolding so he
can warn the flock entrusted to him.
The Bible also set many precedents of where God told individuals an
event was going to happen, God's part, and their part (Lot, Noah,
Elijah, etc.). 1 Timothy 5:8 says, "But if any provide not for his own,
and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and
is worse than an infidel." The word 'provide' here literally means 'to
perceive before, foresee; think of beforehand'! The Bible says that if
we do not think and act for our families and loved ones 'beforehand',
we are denying our faith, and are worse than the unbelieving!!! Acts
11:28 clearly illustrates this principle when the prophet Agabus
warned the church that "there should be great dearth throughout all
the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar. Then
the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send
relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea." A prophet of God told
them great dearth was coming, the church acted on what they knew,
collected relief, and helped out the brethren less fortunate during the
time which came (according to the verse) during the time of Claudius
Caesar. Christians can prepare and provide (in the Biblical sense) for
their family, friends, and brethren to be ready ahead of time.
Secondly, we can inform others. You may not know much about current
events, but examine your current sources of information. Is your only
source of information (on world events) the mainstream media?
Simple discernment and investigation will show they follow the
government’s line. Look for independent, private, and international
sources as well. Examine everything that you are told. Words are
cheap and easy to persuade with. Remember the Bible talks about
deception; and Christians are not automatically exempted.
Discernment and provision is what the Bible calls us to. The Bible tells
us that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If that is true--
which it is--then fear of Satan is the beginning of foolishness.
Throughout the Bible, there are many precedents of God's people
denying what was happening around them (Jer. 5:26-31, Jer. 6:10-
14, Isaiah 30:8-13, Jer. 25:28-33, Isaiah 42:24-25, Jer. 27:14,
Isaiah 8:15). God says that their destruction will come suddenly, as a
swelling wall that suddenly collapses.
Ezek. 33:6
But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and
the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from
among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require
at the watchman’s hand.
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